Return Policy


Changes are made within 14 working days from the day you receive your parcel. The change is made with products of equal or greater value.
The changes are made with the “hand – hand” process and the shipping costs are € 3.50 within Attica and € 5.00 for the rest of Greece.
Every return is made exclusively through the company that will send you the change.
If you make your return with any other courier company it is your responsibility and charge.
The product must be in perfect condition, as you received it and the special markings (tabs) have not been removed.
For the change process you should contact us at 210 27 55 176.
The company is not responsible for any damage or deterioration of the products after their use and is not obliged to replace these products.


Refunds are only made if you receive a defective product.
In any other case a change is made with another product or number.

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